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Utopia Attacks part 1 is the fourth Episode of Power Rangers: Dragonforce.

Previous: Dragonforce Megazord
Next: Utopia Attacks part 2


As Queen Vexlis is trying to figure out how to destroy the Rangers her former General Utopia returns and she sends him out to destroy the Rangers, while their on a field trip to the mountains they encounter Utopia and a squad of Warrior and are easily overpowered by Utopia even their Megazord isn't strong enough to defeat him.


Downtown Silver Hills Terra and her friends are battling Battle Ox as they're fighting him back and Battle Ox is holding his side,

"This isn't good I've failed my Queen," he says as he sees the Rangers with the Dragonforce cannon ready to fire at him as Green Ranger (Bryan) and Pink Ranger (Julia) are on Red Ranger's (Terra's) right as Yellow Ranger (May) and Blue Ranger (Steven) are on her right.

"Dragonforce cannon locked on target and firing," Red Ranger (Terra) says as she pulls the trigger and a huge energy beam shoots out of the barrel and strikes Battle Ox as he erupts in a surge of sparks and falls down to the ground and explodes.

"That's another Monster down," Red Ranger (Terra) says as she and the others look back at the explosion, as they demorph, they go to the Mall to celebrate with some smoothies.

In the Temple Queen Vexlis isn't happy about what happened to her latest monster her body starts surging with electricity but then General Sludge and some Warriors come rolling through the door as she turns around as their getting up from the floor to face an intruder walking into her throne room its revealed to be one of her father's right hand men Commander Utopia.

"Utopia my father's second command in his army you've come back," Queen Vexlis says as she looks at him.

"Yes my Princess I've returned when I heard about you and the king being sealed I went into hiding and a slumber then I heard about you returning for vengeance, I've returned to serve in your army once again my Queen," Utopia says as he's bowing down.

She smiles at what she has planned.

"Oh Utopia have you've heard of a group of heroes called the Power Rangers?" Queen Vexlis asked Utopia.

Theme song

  1. Power Rangers(x5)

In a world full of dark

It's not right

A team will fight for the light!!!!

Go go power rangers

Powers of the Dragons

Go go power rangers

Never stop the Dragons

Rangers together(Dragonforce!)

Dragons altogether!

Power Rangers GO!!!#

Episode 1.04 Utopia Attacks part 1

At School Terra, Bryan, May, and Steven are watching Julia and her dance team practice a new Dance routine, then Terra's Morpher beeps and she looks around to see if anyone is around and then she answers it "Go for Terra what's up Wes," Terra asked as she's speaking into the Morpher.

Terra I'm picking up a disturbance at the Mountains I need you to check it out, Wes says over Terra's Morpher.

The Rangers head out to the Mountains as Utopia is attempting to cause a rock slide to destroy the city, then the rangers show up.

"Hey creep leave our city alone right now," Bryan says as he looks at Utopia.

Utopia turns around and sees the five teens in a fighting stance, "Ah, so you're the so called Power Rangers that have been giving my Queen Vexlis trouble I am her father's second in command Commander Utopia and I am the master of the Blades," Utopia says as he looks at the Rangers.

"What you say let's take this guy down," Bryan says as he looks at Terra.

She nods at him and raised her Morpher.

"Ready Guys," Terra says as she looks at her friends.

"Ready," They say as they raise their Morphers and activated them.

"DRAGONFORCE UNLEASH," The Ranger team says as they activate their Morphers and they're respective colors go around their bodies and helmets as they each are ready for battle.

"With the Power of the Dragon fire Crystal Dragonforce Red Ranger!" says Red Ranger (Terra) as she poses.

"With the Power of the Water Dragon Crystal Dragonforce Blue Ranger!" says Blue Ranger (Sam) as he poses.

"With the Power of the Lighting Dragon Crystal Dragonforce Yellow Ranger!" says Yellow Ranger (May) as she poses.

"With the Power of the Darkness Dragon Crystal Dragonforce Black Ranger!" says Black Ranger (Bryan) as he poses.

"With the Power of the Wind Dragon Crystal Dragonforce Pink Ranger!" says Pink Ranger (Julie) as she poses.

"We're defenders of the universe....Power Rangers: Dragonforce!" says the Team as they pose and the Dragonforce symbol appears behind them.

"Get them Knights," Utopia says as he orders the Warriors to attack the Rangers as they run towards them.

"Dragon Blasters Sword mode," The Rangers say as they bring out their blasters and turn them into swords and they jump to action as they each fight off a batch of warriors.

Blue Ranger (Steven) strikes one of the warriors in his batch and he blocks a blade and strikes three more and turns to Red Ranger (Terra) as he's holding one of the warriors weapons and arm.

"Terra we'll deal with these weirdos you go and stop Utopia before he destroys the city," Blue Ranger (Steven) says as he looks at Terra.

She nods and leaps to where he's at Terra gets out her Dragon fire saber and they fight each other and Red Ranger (Terra) rolls and blocks the strikes from Utopia's sabers, when the other Rangers join Terra with their power weapons out.

"Dragon Lance HIYA," Blue Ranger (Steven) says as he leaps into action and swings his Lance at Utopia and blocks most of his hits but Utopia strikes him down and he rolls onto the ground holding his side.

Pink Ranger (Julia) points her weapon at him.

"Dragon crossbow," Pink Ranger (Julia) says as she fires at Utopia but his wings blocked the attacks and then he sends one of the back at her and the ground erupts in a shower of sparks and her suit erupts in a shower of sparks as well as she falls to the ground as her brother and May go to her.

"DRAGON AXE," Black Ranger (Bryan) says as he swings his Ax at Utopia but Utopia blocks his hits and pushes him back as Yellow Ranger (May) leaps on his shoulder and leaps down.

"Dragon lighting Staff," Yellow Ranger (May) says as she leaps down and misses her target and Utopia strikes both Rangers down as May is holding her side.

Utopia looks at the Ranger and is about to finish her off when he sees Red Ranger (Terra) skidding the tip of her blade on the ground as the blade's powered up but it's getting more powerful as it skids along the ground.

"DRAGON FIRE SABER FINAL STRIKE," Red Ranger (Terra) shouts as she swings upward.

Utopia's blades power up as well.

"RISING SUN SLASH," Utopia says as he collides his blades with Terra's blade.

Both Terra and Utopia are on opposite sides and they turn to face each other as Utopia moves his foot up and poses with his two swords together at the blade, and Terra's suit erupts in a shower of sparks and she falls to one knee and the team regroups.

"Terra you alright?" Dragonforce Yellow (May) says as she helps her up.

"Yeah man this guy is strong," Dragonforce Red (Terra) says as she looks at them then at Utopia.

"We've got to combine our weapons," Black Ranger (Bryan) says as he looks at the others.

The rangers combine their weapons to form the Dragonforce cannon.

"DRAGONFORCE CANNON FULL POWER!" Dragonforce Red Ranger (Terra) shouts as she presses the trigger.

The cannon powers up and a energy beam lances out but Utopia uses is wings and the beam hits the wing and it absorbs the energy and then the beam gets sent back causing a large explosion causing the team to fly in the air as they land on the ground hard soothing in pain.

"And these are the Power Rangers that's been giving my Queen trouble, don't make me laugh," Utopia says as he puts his swords in their holsters and then teleports away.

Back at the base the team is feeling down that they got whooped.

"So Utopia who was Dragoncon's top general has returned," Tommy says as he looks at them.

"Yeah that's what he said," Bryan says as he looks at Tommy.

Tommy thinks.

"I might have away you can defeat him," Tommy says as he looks at them.

They're surprised.

"I think I might be able to increase the power of your Dragonforce cannon," Tommy says as he looks at them.

"So we could actually defeat him?" Terra says as she looks at her father.

"It might be possible," Tommy says as he looks at her.

Back at the Amazon Temple Queen Vexlis paces about.

"So you didn't destroy the Rangers?" Vexlis says as she looks at Utopia.

"No my queen but I crushed their determination and will after I defeated them," Utopia says as he is bowing before Vexlis.

General Sludge walks over to him.

"Seeing how you failed to destroy the rangers I'll take a monster to the city and show Utopia how it is done," General Sludge says as he looks at Utopia then at Queen Vexlis.

Power Injector shows up.

"I'll show those rangers who's the boss," Power Injector says as he looks at them.

At school the team are watching Julia do her cheer routine with her cheer squad, when Terra's morpher beeps she activates it.

"Go for Terra," Terra says as she speaks into her morpher.

Terra there's a monster attacking the city you guys got to get there now Tommy says over the morpher.

"We're on it let's go rangers," Terra says as she looks at her team.

They head to the city.

Power Injector is destroying building as the people are running for their lives, as Power Injector blasting the buildings and people are running screaming.

"Hey stop right there," Red Dragonforce Ranger (Terra) says as she points at him.

Power Injector turns to see the rangers.

"Ah, rangers so nice to see you now its time for you to be destroyed," Power Injector says as he is ready for battle.

"Not going to happen," Dragonforce Red Ranger (Terra) says as she looks at him.

"With the Power of the Dragon fire Crystal Dragonforce Red Ranger!" says Red Ranger (Terra) as she poses.

"With the Power of the Water Dragon Crystal Dragonforce Blue Ranger!" says Blue Ranger (Sam) as he poses.

"With the Power of the Lighting Dragon Crystal Dragonforce Yellow Ranger!" says Yellow Ranger (May) as she poses.

"With the Power of the Darkness Dragon Crystal Dragonforce Black Ranger!" says Black Ranger (Bryan) as he poses.

"With the Power of the Wind Dragon Crystal Dragonforce Pink Ranger!" says Pink Ranger (Julie) as she poses.

"We're defenders of the universe....Power Rangers: Dragonforce!" says the Team as they pose and the Dragonforce symbol appears behind them.

"Magma Lizards get them," Power Injector says as Magma Lizards appear and they run to attack the team.

"Let's go guys," Dragonforce Red Ranger (Terra) says as she looks at her team.

They flip into the scene.

"Dragon Blasters Sword mode," The Rangers say as they bring out their blasters and turn them into swords and they jump to action as they each fight off a batch of warriors.

Blue Ranger (Steven) strikes one of the warriors in his batch and he blocks a blade and strikes three more.

Yellow Ranger (May) strikes two of the warriors with her weapon and then leg sweeps one of the warriors and then strikes another one.

Black Ranger (Bryan) strikes several warriors and then rolls on one of the warriors back, and strikes another one and then flips another one and sidekicks another one.

Pink Ranger (Julia) fights off her batch of warriors with her Dragon blaster in saber mode, she strikes several down with her weapon and then leg sweeps another warrior.

Red Ranger (Terra) fights Power Injector as she gets in good hits but Power Injector gets some good hits in on Terra causing her suits to erupt in sparks and flips her over his head.

"Terra are you alright?" Yellow Ranger (May) says as she helps Terra up.

"Yeah," Red Ranger (Terra) says as she looks at the others.

Then Utopia shows up and comes to the site of battle.

"Go away Power Injector I'll take these rangers down," Utopia says as he looks at him.

"What no way I have orders from Sludge to take them down," Power Injector says as he looks at him.

Then Utopia strikes Power Injector with his rising sun slash finisher as Power Injector sparks and surges with electricity and he falls to the ground and explodes as the other rangers are surprised about that.

"Whoa he destroyed his ally," Blue Ranger (Steven) says as he's surprised by what just happened.


Dragonforce Rangers[]

Color Role Actor
Red Ranger Terra Oliver Debby Ryan
Blue Ranger Steven Mason Bobbo Stewart
Yellow Ranger May Smith Gracie Dzienny
Pink Ranger Julia Mitchell Ashley Tisdale
Black Ranger Bryan Mitchell Leo Howard


  • Tommy Oliver-Mentor of the Dragonforce Rangers and the father of Terra Oliver and former MMPR Green & White Rangers, Zeo Ranger V Red, Red Turbo Ranger, and Black Dino Thunder Ranger.
  • Wesley Collins-Current Timeforce Red Ranger and leader of the Silver Guardians and boyfriend of Jennifer "Jen" Scotts.
  • Jennifer (Jen) Scotts-Girlfriend of Wes and designer of the Dragonforce Rangers Morphers.
  • Kimberly Oliver-Mother of Terra Oliver and former MMPR Pink Ranger and Pink Ninja Ranger and Pink Ninja Steel Ranger.
  • Hailey Miller-Friend of the Oliver's n works at the Food center in the Mall.




Background Information[]
