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Trakeena is the primary villainess of Power Rangers Lost Galaxy. 

Vital statistics
Gender Female
Villain Type Boss
Homeworld Mirinoi
Species Insectoid Mirinoian
First Appearance Race to the Rescue (Power Rangers Lost Galaxy)
Last Appearance Unknown
Last Cameo Unknown
Number of Episode Appearances Unknown
Actor(s) Unknown
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Trakeena was born the daughter of the evil space overlord, Scorpius, with the features of both an insect and a human. After her father began his battle with the Galaxy Power Rangers, Trakeena began accompanying his generals on their missions, despite Scorpius' disapproval. After Furio initially failed to get the Lights of Orion, she managed to convince her father to give him another chance, though it is unclear why she did this. After accompanying another general, Treacheron, on one mission, he claimed Trakeena had followed him even though he had allowed it. In retaliation, she convinced Scorpius the general was a traitor, resulting in him being locked up. They continued to feud with one another and Trakeena was tricked and deceived by Treacheron into looking for a silver goblet, so he could ambush her when he was free. However, she ironically survived thanks to intervention from the Power Rangers.

Later on, Scorpius wanted Trakeena to enter a cocoon that would turn her into a more insect like being like him and increase her powers. She refused to go through with it, since it would take away her beauty and when Scorpius tried to force her, she fled to Planet Onyx. After getting in a fight and beaten easily, Trakeena met Villamax, who trained her in hand-to-hand combat and swordplay. However she returned to the Scorpion Stinger upon hearing that Scorpius was dying after his battle with the Power Rangers. After arriving on the ship, Trakeena bid her father a fond farewell and was given his throne and all of his powers, along with a new staff created from one of Scorpius's tentacles.

After Deviot told her the Red Galaxy Ranger was the one that struck down her father, Trakeena captured him, but he escaped her wrath. Later, when Terra Venture entered the Lost Galaxy, she was unwilling to follow it. However, after it reemerged she took down Captain Mutiny's ship, which was following the space colony.

After Deviot was proven to be nothing but a traitor, he dragged her into the cocoon, which had been put into storage. There, they merged into one being/entity and Trakeena emerged with Deviot's power and ruthlessness. She equipped her Sting Wingers with bombs and launched an all out assault on Terra Venture, succeeding in bringing down the space colony as well as the Centaurus and Stratoforce Megazords. Trakeena destroyed Villamax when he refused to follow her orders and after the Scorpion Stinger crashed, she was critically injured and entered the cocoon. She then lost all her beauty and emerged as a slimy humanoid insect, powering up what remained of Terra Venture so as to attack the peoples' new colony on Mirinoi. Trakeena began fighting the Rangers and was eventually defeated by the Red Ranger after he fired a blast from his Battlizer at her at point-blank range.

Lost Galaxy (1999)[]


Trakeena's third and final form.

Lightspeed Rescue (2000)[]

Trakeena managed to survive and return to her human form, only now horribly scarred so she wore a mask to conceal the scars. While she had been purged of Devoit's physical traits, she still appeared to have some of his personality since she wished to return to become an insect once again. She managed to get to Earth, where she allied herself with the demon Triskull, planning to destroy the Rangers' home planet in revenge. With the skull demon and his army of ghouls aiding her, Trakeena began capturing humans to drain their life force.

Once she had all of the life force she needed, she strapped herself to a chair and phased in and out of her insect form. But Queen Bansheera ordered her son, Prince Olympius, to stop Trakeena from fully absorbing the life forces and regaining her insect form. He tainted her energy with a poisoned dagger, transforming Trakeena into an enormous monster. The Galaxy Rangers and Lightspeed Rangers joined forces to fight her, but were unable to take her on until they infused the Omega Megazord with the Lights of Orion; Trakeena was finally destroyed for real.

Dino Thunder[]

Trakeena appears in an archive footage in an episode of Power Rangers: Dino Thunder along with the other previous Power Rangers villains.


  • Amy Miller, the actress who played Trakeena is married to Reggie Rolle, who played Damon Henderson, the Green Galaxy Ranger.
  • Trakeena knows a bit about Astronema, despite the fact that she must have been out of range from Zordon's energy wave, which purified Astronema in the process.
  • Trakeena's protector and bodyguard Villamax, appeared to have very great feelings for her, perhaps even love, since he served her loyally, trained her, and refused to fight back when she attacked him. However, Trakeena's fusion with Deviot resulted in Villamax turning against her in the process.
  • Trakeena's insect form is stated to be stronger than Olympius with the Star Power.
  • Tommy Oliver was completely aware of her existence.
  • It is implied that she was secretly working for the Ku Klux Klan before the events of Power Rangers Lost Galaxy.